Friday, January 8, 2010

Second Quarter Begins

I am now comfortably in a Level 2 class which began 2 days ago. I opted for the slower paced one (the sequence where students take 8 quarters to complete the whole program instead of 6) - which means I am back in the exact same place I started last September. But now it's easier and my sweat is staying in my body (although that may be due to it being about 70 degrees F colder now!). The best part is that there are currently only 6 students in this class. The other 5 are young - 2 white Americans, a Korean-American, a German-Korean, and another Asian (not sure where from).

The negative part: this teacher exhibits the boredom the others must feel. She seems miles away, barely able to bring herself to listen to our stumbling efforts, impatient with our mistakes - I don't think she likes doing this much. But - she takes us through all the required steps and gives us that invaluable listening practice, so I think I can learn in this class. 2 days down, 48 to go.

1 comment:

  1. LOL..

    for any random reader...

    From this post you'd think nothing had happened..

    But Margaret's Korean is MUCH better than it was..

    much better than mine, and I've lived here for nearly 2 years..
